December 12, 2021

The Air Is Electric

An NFT art exhibition in historic downtown Newberry, South Carolina.

On December 12th, 2021 the NFT Museum hosted a digital art exhibition in the streets of historic downtown Newberry, SC. Physical NFTs and digital NFTs were exhibited inside the NFT Museum at 1110 Harrington St and outside on walls throughout the city. The work included poetry, mixed-media, photography, music, multimedia and physical paintings. Eleven artists participated in the event:

Alex Berry | Opensea Collection

Wacky Funky Stuff
Amanda Nicole | Opensea Collection
Tree Talk

Feet on the Ground

Light In My Garden

I Heard A Song

Just Be

Sing Flowers

Amy Alley | Opensea Collection

Surviving a Pandemic
Amy Matheson | Opensea Collection

Donna Barton | Opensea Collection

John Barber | Opensea Collection

In Memoriam-Bird

In Memoriam-Jellyfish

In Memoriam-Squirrel

In Memoriam-Salmon
Michelle Boozer Long | Opensea Collection

That Time Already?


Stuck in the Past


The Face in the Barn
Oswaldo Tapia | Opensea Collection

Old Newberry Hotel en Colores Vibrantes
Paola Gutierrez | Opensea Collection

Our Lady Willa
Raul Rodriguez | Opensea Collection

Medium Health Potion


Round Shield


Old Wooden Bow


Iron Dagger
Robert Matheson | Opensea Collection

Genesis Mint

Observing Marks



Thank you to all the artists who participated and to our supporters who donated equipment and outdoor exhibition space!

Flyer from the exhibition:
The Air Is Electric Flyer